About Us
Grímur kokkur is a family business and a leader in the production of ready-made seafood dishes and vegetable dishes
The goal of Grimur kokkur is to make only high quality foods made from heigh quality raw material that is both well-valanced and delicious and easy to serve
Because we have access to the freshest fish in the world our main emphasis is on ready made fish dishes that are made from select raw material. We also make vegetable dishes and we recently began cooperating with the author of the book-series “Wholesome dishes from the family” (Heilsuréttir fjölskyldunnar). We produce and sell a number of dishes presented in this brochure based on the recipes.
We do not use MSG or sugar in our food products. Our foods are on supply in all the largest grocery stores and at the fish counters in supermarkets. Large and small canteens can order and get these quality products delivered.
You certainly ought to find out about the diverse selection of dishes that we offer here.